All Band Program Announcements:
For those who missed the reveal night, our 2024 Marching Band show theme is: Street Corner Symphony
Everything you need to know is on our marching page
Check out the reveal video AND Sign up NOW!
ISSMA Solo & Ensemble - Congratulations to all the students that participated in the ISSMA solo/ensemble event in Westfield. Noblesville entered 204 events and came home with 107 gold ratings! The State Competition is Feb. 24th @ North Central High School. Be sure your child pays Mr. Thornbury for their entry.
Butter Braid Fundraiser: Your student should have brought home a Butter Braid fundraiser packet. They are available in the band room.
Orders are due - Feb. 14th (paper forms) OR Feb 19th (online)
Delivery - March 4th *All orders are frozen and MUST be picked up March 4th
Questions please email fundraising@noblesvilleband.org
IPA (Indiana Percussion Association) - Noblesville Contest: Saturday February 10th! Proceeds from this fundraiser go in our big fundraising bucket that is used to support all of our students in ALL of our groups! WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS and FOOD DONATIONS!!!! Please consider volunteering for the warm-up rooms and/or the late shifts! The warm-up room assignment is just timing and holding up countdown signs...AND you get to see previews of all the amazing shows!
Spirit Wear - Orders will be in later this week. NIPE parents can get their gear on Saturday (pick up location TBD). Ireland gear and beanies will be available at the Departure Meeting on February 26th @5:30pm in the Main Cafeteria. Any "Guard" gear ordered will be given to Meghan Ferens to distribute.
Quick Links
Pep Band
Pep band game tonight! Students can grab pizza and concessions from 5-5:45pm.
Senior night is February 16th! Stay tuned for more details!
Winter Guard
Noblesville Winter Guard team has started the season and recently promoted into the Scholastic Open Class! They had an impressive first weekend in Open Class competition at the Anderson Invitational this past weekend with a first place finish! The team heads to Brownsburg for the final invitational competition this weekend before getting onto the national level for WGI regional competitions in Avon and Chicago at the end of February. Come see our show "Variations" and watch the amazing work the team is doing!
This weekend Noblesville will host an IPA event for both wind and percussion groups! Come see the opening of the 2024 show: "Toys in the Attic"!
If you haven't already, please check the NIPE Band App regarding transportation to WGI Worlds!
Don't forget that ALL NIPE families are required to volunteer for TWO IPA shifts this weekend. Sign Up Genius above!
Please be sure to pay any outstanding clinic fees or deposits as soon as possible...they are overdue!
Jazz Band
Jazz Band is off to an amazing start! Hopefully you have been following social media and seen all the wonderful events they have experienced.
Jazz 1 competed at the Purdue Jazz Festival and placed 2nd! They had an amazing performance and came home with great feed back on what they need to continue to work on.
Next up ALL Jazz bands are heading to Pendleton Jazz Fest: February 9th (Jazz 4, 5, 6 performs) and February 10th (Jazz 1, 2, 3 performs). Want to listen to some great music? We hope to see you there!!
Look for information on the upcoming Swing Night on March 8th at NHS.