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Welcome to Noblesville!

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

It's our turn to roll out the red carpet and welcome 12 bands to Noblesville! There are many contests this weekend and bands have a choice of which contests to attend.... PLEASE help us be grateful to those who chose us! They made a choice to support our program! "Welcome to Noblesville!" Practice it in the mirror between now and Saturday 😉 Tik Tok. Snap it. Write it 10 times on the board. I want to HEAR it on SATURDAY! OVER AND OVER AND OVER!

Highlights of the week:

  • Friday Football game! Details below!

  • Black & Gold Marching Invitational Details - See LOTS of info below

  • Black & Gold - Volunteer Shifts Still Available! HELP!

  • Grab a Volunteer Shift! Practice, contests, props!

  • Thursday 8-9pm North Parking Lot - The Place to Be For ALL the things!

    • LAST parent RAFFLE ticket purchase night. The pot is almost $25k

    • Pom Poms - $1

    • Pick up your Pillow/Tote (if you got an email your order is ready)

    • Treasurers - Will have a table set up to answer questions about student fundraising & payments! #CheckYourBalance

  • Add any of YOUR photos from the season to our google drive for end of season slide show & social media sharing!


Wicks Pies

Orders Due Oct 7th

Pick up Nov 17th

We kicked off our Wicks Pies fundraiser this week! Your student was given an order form and info. In case you can't find it (backpacks eat papers) OR need an extra, forms can be found on our Marching Page AND Concert Band page!

*Student fundraising can be used for extra curricular fees, tuxes/dresses, letter jackets & trips!


Marching Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

Football Game: 🏈

Please see email from Mr. Thornbury with full band schedule for Friday!

The band will be performing the 2022 Show "A Million Dreams" with full props!

Student Band Dinner:

Hot dogs and sloppy joes


Pasta salad

Fruit salad


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our food coordinator (Jen Melton 317-363-3798, with questions or concerns!

Band Parent Tailgate: This weeks menu is sausage, potatoes & home grown green beans ! Food will be cooked ahead of time and ready to serve shortly after 5pm! Join us in Tailgate Town!

Game: Kick off is 7:00 this week. Tickets are cash at the gate or GoFan app!

Senior Night: October 14th


Black & Gold Marching Invitational

Please see email from Mr. Thornbury with schedule for our band students.

Full contest details for spectators can be found on our website (share with your neighbors, friends and family):

Volunteers: Please park in the north (bus) parking lot and check in with the volunteer tent at gate 40 before AND after your shift (RED STAR on the map). Our volunteer coordinator will let you know where to go from there! Please be flexible and willing to move to a different location if necessary!

Shifts Still Available: Sign up here! We are still looking for HELP! Please consider picking up a second shift! Don't forget every family is required to contribute 3 hours on Saturday! We are STILL moving people around and adjusting some times (based on schedule and help available) so please keep checking!

Admission: Volunteers, please check in with the volunteer table before and after your shift! You will receive a wristband for entry! IF you have a late evening shift and would like to come and watch bands early, please come to the check in tent (gate 40) for a wristband. You will still need to check in at the volunteer tent before your shift OR you will be considered a no show.

Saturday Dinner for the Marching Millers:

Please contact our food coordinator, Jen Melton, with any questions!

Jen Melton, 317-363-3798,

Pulled pork sandwiches

Macaroni and cheese

Green beans



Center Grove Cavalcade of Champions - Oct 8th:

Performance time: 8:15pm

Awards: 9:00pm

Tickets: Cash/credit at the gate.

$8 adults

$5 students

Under 2 is free

Spectator Parking: Spectator Parking is located at the following addresses. ALL NORTH OF CENTER GROVE HS across Stones Crossing Rd.

  • Middle School & Elementary School 2455 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

  • Alternative Academy 2911 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

  • Education Service Center 4800 Stones Crossing Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

This is our last "hosted contest" before heading into our ISSMA State Contest!


ISSMA Regionals - Oct 15th:

Carroll High School - Ft. Wayne

6:15pm Performance

It's hard to believe we're 2 weeks away from regionals! This is the state tournament of marching band and step 1 of our ISSMA State journey! Top 10 bands from the north region and top 10 from south region move on to semi-state!


Marching Band fees are DUE Oct. 1st

Have questions? Want to check your balance? See us in the North Parking Lot 8pm - 9pm tonight, Thursday Sept 29th!

REMINDER! Funds raised from fundraiser sales and/or credits from overpayments are not automatically applied towards invoices.

We are aware that PayPal has update their policy and are charging fees for all transactions to our account as we are set up as a business. We are working on correcting this. Continue to utilize PayPal if that is your preferred method of payment.

Check, cash and Venmo are also accepted.

If you would like to apply funds, check balances, set up payment plans or other, please message me (Jacky Doke) at



The directors preach this to our kids and the same goes for parents! We are here to help you and answer your questions!



Only 1 week until we draw a raffle winner, on October 5, and the pot is $24,720 and growing!!


The raffle committee booth will be set up in the NHS north parking lot for ticket and money drop off and for purchasing raffle tickets for one final time this Thursday from 8:00-9:00 pm. Look for our raffle flag!

Band parents are welcome to join us at our raffle ticket drawing on 10/5 at 7:00 at the Noblesville Township Community Center, 372 S 8th St, be prepared to cheer on our Band Boosters biggest fundraiser!!

PLEASE help us in our final push this week to boost online sales! The best thing you can do is share our website link to your social media and promote the 50/50 raffle online sales so your friends can participate in the band boosters biggest fundraiser. We are making this very easy for you! All you need to do is copy and paste this message in blue below:

Visit to get your 50/50 raffle tickets!

The Noblesville Band Boosters 50/50 Raffle pot is currently $18,015.00 and growing! Last year’s winner took home half the pot which was $14,505, and the band boosters got the same amount to do amazing things for all the NHS bands! This year's drawing will be on fb live on 10/5/2022. You do not need to be present to win.

Ticket prices:

1 ticket- $5

5 tickets- $20

15 tickets- $50

30 tickets- $100

Questions? Contact Noblesville Band Boosters:

Or visit our website:


Concert Band

Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley

Please see email from Mr. Thornbury with more concert band info!

Upcoming concert date: October 4, 2022.

The concert is divided into two presentations:

  • Blocks 1, 4, 6 - Concert 6:00pm. Students arrive at 5:30pm. On stage pictures starting at 5:40pm.

  • Blocks 3, 2, and University of Indpls. - Concert at 7:30pm. Students arrive at 7:00pm. On stage pictures at 7:10pm

Let's get ready to show off our new stadium and our hospitality! This is going to be an amazing week!


Amanda Sheets

Noblesville Band Boosters

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