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Volunteers, Shout-Outs and Props...oh my!


Shout-out to all the parent volunteers that have had such a positive impact on the 2023 Marching Season! The hallway decorations are above and beyond; be sure and check them out when you come to volunteer. The sectional lunches and treat bags really kept the band moving during camp...way to go section parents! Band pictures and uniform fitting went as smooth as it has ever gone. The raffle committee is UNSTOPPABLE!!!!

As a band we logged over 946 hours of volunteer time over the summer! And those were just the hours that were logged! A huge shout-out to Krista Rugenstein who logged over 76 hours! Krista you are amazing! If you would like to know your volunteer hours going into August, please e-mail Kim at

For those with only a few spare moments, information highlights can be found in the Marching Band Quick Info section, BUT I encourage you to read the entire newsletter! Upcoming dates are also included at the bottom. DISCLAIMER: Mr. Thornbury's e-mails always have the most recent information.

Marching Band Quick Info

  • Regular rehearsal schedule is in effect! Hopefully your student will develop a band rehearsal rhythm in the coming weeks. The schedule stays pretty consistent, but always read Mr. Thornbury's emails thoroughly as sometimes the schedule shifts when conflicts arise.

  • Spirit Store Round 1 is now closed. Delivery of items will be August 17th in the NHS parking lot from 8-9pm. Look for Round 2 coming soon!

  • Shoe and Glove orders are in: Look for them to come home with your student next week.

  • Contest 101: Ever wonder what the difference is between ISSMA and BOA? What does a marching contest look like? What is the difference between regionals and semi-state? These questions and many more will be answered at our Contest 101 on Sept. 7th in the Jr./Sr. Cafe. Bring a dessert to share!

  • Senior Parents: Read below to find out about senior banners and senior night.

  • Food and Football Games. Read below to find out when the boosters feed your student.

  • 50/50 Raffle is up to $10,000!!!! Get more details here.

  • Fees - $600 invoices sent out! See update/info below from our treasurer.

  • Social Media - Join our FB parent group! Ask your section parent for information on joining the BAND App!

  • Volunteer - August rehearsal dates are now available! Check out our Volunteer page with Sign Up Genius Links AND HELP WANTED section! Be sure to check back often to discover how you can meet the volunteer hour requirement. More info here.

  • YOUTUBE Channel: Check out our Noblesville Band Boosters @NoblesvilleBandBoosters YouTube Channel for helpful “How To” Videos! Rehearsal volunteering, location of black box mailbox, setting up the E-ZUP pop up shelters, etc.. We will continue to add to this collection!


Upcoming Dates

  • August 12th - Camp Day 8am-5pm

  • August 14th - Deadline to order marching band photos

  • August 16th - Ireland Meeting at 7pm. Location TBD.

  • August 17th - Spirit Store orders pick-up

  • August 18th - Football Game @ Lucas Oil Stadium. Ticket link here (code NOBLES for $10 pricing).

  • August 26th - Camp Day 8am-5pm

  • September 7th - Contest 101 @6:30 Jr./Sr. Cafe

  • September 23rd - NHS Black and Gold Marching Invitational (Each family is required to volunteer for 3 hours on this date)

  • October 6th - Senior Night at Football game


Senior Parents

There are two important "events" coming up for seniors: hanging senior banners and senior night at the football game.

Banner Hanging: Come join us on Thursday, August 17th in the South Parking lot to hang your senior's banner. We have the banners and zip ties; you bring the laughter and tears! There is still time to order a banner if you haven't already. Reach out to Dawn Bailey, Emily Alexander or Amanda Sheets if you need information or help ordering a banner.

Senior Night: Mark your calendar now for Band Senior Night at the October 6th football game. Students will walk with their families or chosen adults during the pre-game ceremony. Pictures will be taken! More details coming closer to the date.


Prop Union

Fantastic work has been performed already by a group of dedicated volunteer props-building parents! Thursday marked the first night that kiddos could rehearse with rolling prop bases! Now we have to push ahead to the finish line! Join the Prop Union parents Tuesday 6:30-9:30 and Thursday 6-9 to prepare the tops and add finishing touches to the bases. We will also meet Saturday the 12th 9-5 as-needed to complete any tasks we don’t get to next week on Tuesday/Thursday evenings. Signup genius links will be made for each session (look for them on our volunteer page).

Looking ahead to competitions we will also need more than 25 parents to help move equipment between the truck and the field before and after the performances. Great way to see the show from a field sidelines unique vantage point!

Questions? Contact Scott Vowels and/or Craig Alexander


$$$ Marching Band Fee Information From Your Friendly Neighborhood Band Treasurer

The success of our program heavily relies on each family to fulfill their financial obligations. As stated on the “commitment to excellence” information sheet, students are responsible for fundraising or paying a fee of $900.

The invoice schedule for the collection of these fees is as follows:

  • The remaining $600 balance has been invoiced and will be due by October 1, 2023. Monthly reminders will be sent until invoices are paid in full.

  • If you have not seen your invoices come through please email the treasurer.

*Outstanding balances from previous seasons must be settled to participate in the current season.

Ireland Update

If you plan to utilize student fundraising funds towards Ireland you MUST request this by emailing I am in communication with Music Travel and can apply fundraised funds at any time towards your Ireland balance. Communication is key.

PLEASE NOTE: Students traveling to Ireland will not be eligible for financial assistance from the boosters for the 2023-2024 school year.


Jacky Doke, Treasurer -


50/50 Raffle Information

Boosters, we are at $8500 and climbing for the 50/50 Raffle Pot; however, losing Back to School Bash was not ideal. We raised around $2000 last year at that event. So, we need you! Please, check out tickets to sell, or point people to the website:

We can also use your support! Go to band website and check out the Sign Up Genius to get your volunteer hours at one of our upcoming booths.

Remember, half of the money we raise goes to our awesome band and guard programs.


Food and Football Games

The food committee feeds the band dinner before all home football games. We will also feed the band before the game at Lucas Oil and on the day of Black and Gold Invitational. The menu will be posted during the week of the game in the newsletter and/or on the Band App. A vegetarian option is always available.

Does your student have food allergies? We are happy to do our best to accommodate that! If your student has allergies, please email: by August 10th. Thanks!


Volunteer Lanyards

Reminder that working with students (volunteering, feeding sections during meals, etc….) requires you to have a level 3

background check on file with Noblesville Schools. Link to apply can be found at the top of our volunteer page. The boosters are providing bright yellow lanyards (pictured) for those who have an approved background check on file! You must wear this lanyard anytime you are volunteering or working with students! Thank you so much to those of you who picked up your lanyards at our parent social! For those who did not, and have an approved background check… your lanyard can be found in the uniform closet (inside gate 30). If you were recently approved, please forward your approval email to and we will make you a lanyard! We do not get notifications about new approvals. Approval email will come from:

Volunteer Information - Sign Up Genius

If you are looking at Sign Up Genius on the mobile version, please make sure you click the "View Full Description" to read ALL of the details! Where to go, who to contact if you have a question, what is required, etc.... Lots of questions can be answered by reading this FULL description.


Thank you for reading until the end! Let me know if there is any information you would like included in upcoming newsletters.


Kristen Durst

Secretary, Noblesville Band Boosters

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