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Mass Band Night is always one of my favorite events of the season. It is the first time so many kids and families get a little taste of what it is like to perform in front of a big crowd of fans. What could be better recruitment for our future Marching Millers? It is an opportunity for the high school students to grow as leaders and mentor the middle school students. It is a fun night of music, popsicles, hot dogs, and band community.. As a parent, I always love the feeling of so many band families coming together to support our musicians. That is what this season is all about!

Marching Band Quick Info

  • This week's pregame menu: Hotdogs, chips, fruit salad, pasta salad and dessert Lemonade and water will be served to drink. A vegetarian hot dog will be available on request!

  • Mass Band Night 9/13

  • Contest Day Saturday - Lawrence Central

  • Spirit Wear Round 2 Pick Up - If you ordered spirit wear in round 2, pick up is September 19th 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the north lot.

  • Tailgate Time - Keep watching the Band App and stop by the trailer before the game for some amazing food from Kelly and Gene!

  • 50/50 Raffle is fire!!!! Pot is $23,790!!!

  • Fees - All fees are due. Please contact with questions.

  • Marketing: Have you seen the amazing website and social media posts? Please thank our new marketing chair, Karen Piehl, for her amazing contributions to help us grow our online presence! Questions, comments or suggestions may be directed to Karen -

  • Volunteer - Black & Gold sign up is live! Check here for that and many other opportunities!



The Marching Millers looked SHARP on Saturday! Thank you to all of the parents that chaperoned, built props, loaded props, pushed props, helped with uniforms, put together treat bags, cheered students on, and worked together to make this first contest run smoothly. A special shout out to the amazing team that helped with hair on Saturday! Those parents rocked it out!



Missed contest 101? Here are a few reminders for etiquette when attending a contest!

DO - Wear your Miller spirit gear and cheer loudly for any and all! All of the kids have worked just as hard as ours have, and we want to show our support and appreciation for them. Make your appreciation for big moments in our show known! This is a great time to cheer loudly! Wait until a band is done performing to exit and enter the stands. Our gear broadcasts where we are from, and we represent Noblesville proudly and with class!

DON'T - Don't stand up or move in and out of the stands during a performance. You don't want to block anyone's view of their kid! Avoid commenting about another band's performance or talking during another performance. You never know whose grandma or auntie is sitting nearby and might be heartbroken by a negative comment. Don't use noisemakers of any kind. We can actually lose points for this!


Lawrence Central Contest

Date: September 14th

Marching Millers Performance Time: 9:05 PM

Cost of tickets: $10 adults; $5 students with a valid photo ID



We get to do it all again Saturday! Find some details below if your marcher is in need of replacement supplies or a packing list.


Need new gloves or sleeves? Forgot socks? Can't find the compression shirt? These are for sale in the uniform closet and usually available. If you student needs one of these items, please have them find an adult helper or uniform crew member. Cost is below, and you can pay with cash or Venmo. If a student doesn't have money but needs an item, they can sign the IOU clipboard and you will be billed. Thanks!


Compression shirt - $10

Gloves - $6

Sleeves - $2

Socks - $5

Hats - $10

Packing Reminders for games/competitions (band/percussion only)

Make your packing list! Extras available as supplies last!

  • Black shorts

  • Black compression shirt

  • Black crew/knee socks (tall - no skin showing)

  • Compression sleeves

  • Gloves

  • Marching shoes

  • Hair accessories as needed

  • Water jug

  • Lunch for practice

  • Money for concessions dinner or packed dinner

  • Portable charger if needed (it is a long day)


The Marching Millers also have a student uniform crew that can help with any uniform questions. Gloves/socks/compression shirts can usually be purchased the day of if your student forgets theirs.

UNIFORM CREW NEEDS YOUR HELP! Please reach out to Lyndsay Sheridan at They especially need help getting hair ready Saturday before the kids leave. Contact Lyndsay if you are able to help!


50/50 Raffle Information

Marching Millers, we have the best band family! We are cruising along with the raffle, but there is no time to stop now. We had a great weekend of sales at Friday Night Lights and at the Spooner Market's Fall Festival Market on Saturday. We would love to be able to hit at least $50,000 this year! To do that, we need you all.

We want to thank all of the amazing volunteers who have worked booths so far this season. We also are so appreciative of all the fabulous families who keep selling tickets. Remember, we can remind people they can also order tickets online through the link on the website. You all are a key to our success.

We still have opportunities coming up: homecoming parade, home football games, Black and Gold, and more. Please, check out the SignUp Genius to help out. Raffle fun is the best fun! 



Black & Gold sign up is LIVE!! As a reminder, all families are required to volunteer at least four hours for this event. Black & Gold is a huge fundraiser for our program, and we can't do it without all of you! Please SIGN UP HERE!

We have lots of other opportunities for volunteers! Check out the sign up genius links here to lend a helping hand! As a reminder, all volunteers working with students need to wear a lanyard and have a level 3 background check on file. Questions? Email


Upcoming Dates

  • September 13th - Football Game: Mass Band Night

  • September 14th - Contest Day: Lawrence Central Invitational

  • September 21st - Black and Gold Invitational - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

  • September 27th - Football Game and Parade: Homecoming

  • October 4th - Football Game: Senior Night

  • October 5th - Contest Day: Center Grove Invitational

  • October 12th - Contest Day: ISSMA Regionals at Carroll High School

  • October 18th - Contest: BOA Super Regionals prelims at Lucas Oil

  • October 26h - ISSMA Semi-State at Ben Davis (if qualified)

  • November 9th - ISSMA State Finals at Lucas Oil (if qualified)

  • November 14th - ISSMA Grand Nationals prelims at Lucas Oil

Thank you for reading until the end! Let me know if there is any information you would like included in upcoming newsletters.


Jen Melton

Vice President

Noblesville Band Boosters


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