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Hang on! It's Bandtober!

October = Band!

It's time to see the product of the kids hard work! I'm SO excited! Parents, this is a critical time for our directors and rehearsals. Please do your best to encourage your student not to miss rehearsal. Our kids have the opportunity to do something no NHS Marching Band has EVER done... make it to ISSMA Open Class A State Finals!!


Friday Football Game & Senior Night 10/8/21

Menu - Pre-game band meal is

  • Smoked pork sandwiches (thank you Adam Dopps for smoking all of the pork)!

  • BBQ Sauce available to add to meat

  • Mac & Cheese

  • Baked Beans

  • Various Salads

  • Various Dessert Surprises

Seniors - We will honor seniors before the game! Please make sure your student fills out the google doc sent out by Mr Thornbury with names of their escorts! Photographs will be taken.

Game - The current plan is to perform the FULL show at halftime (please Mother Nature work with us)! Click here to purchase football game ticket

Parent Tailgate 5:45pm - You're invited to the band parent tailgate. Small parking lot just north of the stadium. Kristine Davis will be fixing Jambalaya! She's from New Orleans, so her jambalaya is no joke! Feel free to bring a side or dessert to share. Enjoy the sounds of the Marching Millers warming up and celebrate our seniors!


Center Grove Contest Info - 10/9/21

Spectator Parking - Parking is located at the following addresses.

  • Middle School & Elementary School 2455 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

  • Alternative Academy 2911 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

  • Education Service Center 4800 Stones Crossing Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

Ticket Info

Concessions - Will be available in the football stadium and will offer traditional sandwiches, snacks, soft drinks, bottled water, etc...



Tonight we will cross the $20,000 mark! This is HUGE and we expect this number to grow exponentially in the next 3 weeks. We have also added a "Request Tickets" option on our website! Check out the additions to our raffle page! If you share the link online, we will handle getting tickets to people! PLEASE SHARE THIS LINK TO OUR WEBSITE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!!

*Ticket pick up tonight (Thursday) 8:30-9pm (outside stadium OR softball fields outside NHS gate 11 in case of rain)

*We are looking for volunteers to help with raffle ticket sales Friday pre-game! Sign up here



Have some spirit in the stands at contests! Laurels (gold leaf headbands).... and I've also learned we have a band mom named Laurel! Laurel the band mom is NOT for purchase, but Angela Kilgore will be selling headband laurels for $3 cash tonight at the stadium rehearsal.



We are still short volunteers for many upcoming events: (password in private fb group, band app or email


Marching Band Banquet

Mark your calendar for Monday November 8th.

Please email Lori Crosby if you would like to help with banquet planning!


Wicks Pie Orders

Pie orders are due Friday Oct 8th. They can be turned into the black mailbox outside Mr. Thornbury's office. Pie Order Form

This could very well be the greatest month in the history of Noblesville Band! Who's in?


Amanda Sheets


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