Fabulous concerts last night! I'm always blown away by the skill level of our kids and the opportunities our kids have at NHS. Watching the NHS Wind Ensemble perform with the University of Indianapolis Wind Ensemble was a treat! I told my kids when we got home - you are getting a college level music education right here at Noblesville High School!
THANK YOU to everyone who stepped up to help us host one of the most incredible Black & Gold Marching Invitationals EVER! SO many compliments about our gracious band parents! Our guests left feeling welcomed and wanting to come back! 🖤💛
I know "fall break" is coming up and I do hope each of you are able to take a little time to rest and recoup, BUT parent to parent.... students missing rehearsals is a HUGE deal this time of year. Period. The directors will be making a lot of changes in the coming weeks as we begin our run in the ISSMA State Contest. Missing rehearsals hurts the entire band. We are in this together!!! Together we CAN do this!

Handy marching band calendar for October.
Drawing TODAY Oct 5th - 7pm
Noblesville Township Center - 372 South 8th Street
Current Pot: $37,230!
LAST CALL! You may stop by the Noblesville Township Center between 5:30pm - 6pm for any last minute ticket purchases or recall exchanges!
Any recalled tickets (old black & gold ones) NOT exchanged before the drawing will have 30 days after the draw to claim a full refund,
You may watch the drawing live in person at the Noblesville Township Center at 7pm OR Drawing will be broadcast Facebook live at 7pm: https://www.facebook.com/NoblesvilleBandRaffle
Winning ticket number will be posted on Facebook and website! You have 30 days to claim your prize!
Wicks Pies
Orders Due Oct 7th
Pick up Nov 17th - YOU MUST PICK UP THIS DAY! Pies come frozen and we can NOT store them!
Wicks Pie orders are due Friday Oct 7th! NO COCONUT CREAM AVAILABLE THIS YEAR. Your student was given an order form and info. In case you can't find it (backpacks eat papers) OR need an extra, forms can be found on our Marching Page AND Concert Band page!
*Student fundraising can be used for extra curricular fees, tuxes/dresses, letter jackets & trips OR donate to the Band Boosters - fundraise for the greater good!
Marching Band
Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley
Practice & Camp Day Volunteers Needed for October: Sign up to volunteer during rehearsals and camp days!
Center Grove Contest:
Please see email from Mr. Thornbury for band member schedule.
Performance Time: 8:15pm *Bring your Pom Poms!!!!
Awards: 9pm
Full Schedule: Center Grove Contest Schedule
Chaperones, Middle School Parent & Prop Helpers: Volunteers NEEDED! Please sign up!
Tickets: Cash/Credit at the gate.
$8 general admission
$5 student/senior
Concessions available: Hot dog, hamburger, pizza, etc....
Weather: Cold. Extra Cold. Wear your spirit wear... all of it.
Spectator Parking: Spectators will park NORTH of CGHS
Parking is located at the following addresses. See map below.
● Middle School & Elementary School 2455 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143
● Alternative Academy 2911 S. Morgantown Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143
● Education Service Center 4800 Stones Crossing Rd, Greenwood, IN 46143

Football Game & Senior Night
Friday Oct 14th (Kick off 7pm)
Senior night pregame
A Million Dreams show at halftime
Senior Parents: Senior night will be held pre-game. We are still finalizing a time for parents to begin lining up, but with 39 seniors 😳🥰 anticipate this will be shortly after 6pm. Your senior will receive a google doc form to fill out with info about "escorts". Discuss this with your senior OR be surprised! 🥰
All Marching Parents: Please plan to be in the stands early this evening (before the game) to cheer on our seniors! With fall break, we don't anticipate many people in the stands and would love your encouragement for the gigantic class of 2023!
Parent Tailgate: White Chicken Chili will be prepared ahead of time and ready to serve early!
ISSMA Regionals - Ft. Wayne Carroll High School
Saturday Oct 15th
Please see email from Mr. Thornbury for band member schedule.
Performance Time: 6:15pm *Bring your Pom Poms!!!!
Awards: 7:15pm
Full Schedule: ISSMA Regional Contest Schedule
*Top 10 bands will move on to ISSMA Semi State 10/29 at Ben Davis HS
Tickets: Cash/Credit at the gate. ($1 service fee for credit)
$8 general admission
$5 student/senior
Concessions available: Hot dog, hamburger, Chick Fil A, pretzels, nachos, etc....
Spectator Parking: Map below for Carroll HS

BOA "Bands of America" Super Regionals
Friday Oct 21st & Saturday Oct 22nd
Please see email from Mr. Thornbury for band member schedule.
Performance Time:
Prelims: Friday 2:30pm *Bring your Pom Poms!!!!
Finals: IF qualified - Saturday evening TBD
Full Schedule: BOA Friday Prelim Schedule
*Top 14 bands will qualify for BOA Finals on Saturday evening
Tickets: More info coming soon!
Concessions available: More info coming soon!
Spectator Parking: More info coming soon!
The directors preach this to our kids and the same goes for parents! We are here to help you and answer your questions!
Concert Band
Under the Direction of Eric Thornbury & Jacob Crossley
Fabulous concerts last night for ALL our groups! Thank you to the University of Indianapolis Wind Ensemble for joining our Wind Ensemble on stage!
Private lesson instructors AND sign ups can also be found on the concert band page!
Bandtober is about to kick it up a notch! One more week of "regular season" before we begin our ISSMA State Contest run!
THANK YOU for everything you to do make this program possible for our kids!
#BlackGold 🖤💛
Amanda Sheets
Noblesville Band Boosters